Treconite Apps 应用

Mobile Data Consumption
Treconite Apps
Control your data consumption, both mobile and Wi-Fi, and startsaving.
Consumo Datos Móvil
Treconite Apps
Con Consumo Datos móvil controlas tu plan de datos sabiendo cuantollevas acumulado en cada momento del periodo. Al ser independientea la compañía de teléfonos, podrás comparar tu medición con lafactura. Conseguirás AHORRAR cada mes, ya que además controlaráslos datos GRATIS. Aprovecha al máximo tu PLAN sin pasarte ycontrola en tiempo real tu consumo con la garantía de Trecone, losdesarrolladores líderes en control de costos telecom. Te ofrece: *CONTADORES del consumo de tu PLAN mensual en tiempo real: datosmóvil y wifi. Crea tantos contadores como quieras sobre aquellosconsumos que quieres mantener a raya. * ESTADISTICAS: Visualizarápidamente tu consumo diario, de la semana y de meses anteriores.Identifica las apps que más has utilizado en cada periodo y en quegastas tu saldo.
Traffic Monitor & 3G/4G/5G Speed 12.2.0
Treconite Apps
Demand more. Have it all at your fingertips. Speed - Data - QualityWith the ad-free Traffic Monitor you can check your 3G / 4G and 5Gspeed and keep an eye on network coverage and data usage on yoursmartphone. Integrated key-features: speed test for 3G / 4G and 5Gnetworks, inspection of network availability and data usagemonitoring. Speed test The speed test of the Traffic Monitor showsyou the speed and latency of your UMTS, LTE, 5G and Wi-Fi networkon a speedometer, separated into upload, download and ping speed.After each test you receive an assessment of your result, comparingit to users in your region. So you can find out if you surf the netfaster or slower than the rest of the world. All speed tests arearchived with all details and can be accessed anytime and viewed onthe integrated map view. The archived data helps you to recognizespeed variations quickly. Coverage Discover the reasons of badnetwork performance with Traffic Monitor! The coverage map displaysnetwork availability depending on your current position. Thenetwork coverage of each provider is shown on the coverage map forselect countries, with more countries added over time. RoamingAvoid unpleasant surprises after your holidays. Traffic Monitordetects foreign networks if you are abroad and shows dedicatedroaming counters. So you can always keep an eye on your roamingusage. Data usage Monitor your data usage in a self-specifiedperiod of time. Therefore you can set all your details of your dataplan like the starting date of your billing period or your maximaldata allowance. You can also choose between weekly, monthly or30-day billing period lengths. Traffic Monitor measures your datausage in general and by app. So you are always well-informedbecause Traffic Monitor warns you if you have exceeded yourspecified data volume. In addition, data usage abroad is shownseparately so that you can track your roaming charges easily.Traffic Monitor is for free and does not contain any ads! We arehappy about positive ratings and your feedback :-). Thank you!
Plan Monitor
Treconite Apps
Plan Monitor gives you SELF-CONTROL of the month-to-dateCONSUMPTIONof your Smartphone Android device to not exceed yourplan limits.Save money and get the máximum of your mobile phonewith PlanMonitor fitting into your plan limits every month. PlanMonitorhelps you out to check the montly carrier bill, sending areport (oncsv format generated from your phone activity) of yourcalls, SMSand data conections details to your email. Features: -Real TimeConsumption Monitor and Counters including so farconsumption tocontrol your plans. You can keep the cost at the bayand you willnot exceed your plan limit again! - Customize yourplan introducingvoice, SMS and data limits applying to you. Youwill not run out ofthe plan limits. - Control yours SMS and callsto FREE NUMBERS ->Consumption at this numbers will be notdeducted from the plan set.- Plan Monitor provides a independentcall log got from the deviceactivity. You can to export it to youremail to check with yourmontly carrier bill. Even if the phone logis deleted, Plan Monitorwill preserve the full call detail recordsin the file sent to you.- Set up of ALARMS to let you be notifiedanytime you get closer toyour plan limits. Solutions forentreprises:
Data Usage Monitor 2.2.1
Treconite Apps
The control of your mobile data consumption at your fingersprints
Gastos Datos y Llamadas
Treconite Apps
MONITORIZA y CONTROLA TU CONSUMO DE DATOS y LLAMADAS. CONFIGURATUPLAN DE DATOS y VOZ Configura tu plan de datos prepago opostpagocon los límtes contratados en tu operador. Este pasoesindispensable para un buen control de tu plan. CONTADOR DE DATOSYLLAMADAS a través de sus interfaces podrás en todo momento teneruncontrol de tu consumo diario, semanal y mensual. NÚMEROSGRATUITOSdefine tu números gratuitos (amigos, elegidos, etc),númerosespeciales, y establece los límites de tiempo en llamadassiaplica, y no te pases. Para que se puedan contabilizardeberásllamar desde la app. EXCLUYE APPS GRATIS excluye las appsque tuoperador te ofrece un consumo gratuito. ALARMAS ampliasopciones dealarmas para que tengas alertas de cualquier consumo quequierascontrolar. Evita sorpresas en la factura. ESTADÍSTICAScompletodetalle de estadísticas para poder visualizar de formasencilla tusconsumos acumulados, diarios, o por aplicación. … ymuchas másopciones que irás descubriendo a medida que la vayasusando. Estaapp te ayuda a monitorizar tu consumoindependientemente seas de:Movistar, Vodafone, Orange, Tuenti,Yoigo, Jazztel, Simyo,Pepephone, Eusktaltel, R, Telecable, Amena,Telcel, AT&T,Unefon, Claro, SFR, y un largo número deoperadores y países.Siempre es un placer escucharles! Si deseanhacer algún comentarioo pregunta, envíanos un correo electrónico
Data Plan Control 1.0.2
Treconite Apps
Take control of your Mobile Data Control and save on phonebillexpenses